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Jim Morrison-An American Prayer

Do you know the warm progress 
under the stars? 

Do you know we exist? 

Have you forgotten the keys 
to the kingdom 

Have you been borne yet 
& are you alive? 

Let's reinvent the gods, all teh myths 
of the ages 

Celebrate symbols from deep elder forests 

[Have you forgotten the lessons 
of the ancient war] 

We need great golden copulations 

The fathers are cackling in trees 
of the forest 

Our mother is dead in the sea 

Do you know we are being led to 
slaughters by placid admirals 

& that fat slow generals are getting 
obscene on young blood 

Do you know we are ruled by T.V. 

The moon is dry blood beast 

Guerrilla bands are rolling numbers 
in the next block of green vine 

amassing for warfare on innocent 
herdsman who are just dying 

O great creator of being 

grant us one more hour to 
perform our art 
& perfect our lives 

The moths & atheists are doubly divine 
& dying 

We live, we die 
& death not ends it 

Journey we more into the 
Cling to life 
Our passion'd flower 

Cling to Cunts & cocks 
of despair 

We got our final vision 
by clap 

Columbus groin got 
filled w/green death 

(I touched her thigh 
& death smiled) 

We have assembled inside this ancient 
& insane theatre 

To propagate our lust for life 
& flee the swarming wisdom 
of the streets 

The barns are stormed 

The windows kept 

& only one of all the rest 

To dance & save us 

W/the divine mockery 
of words 

Music inflames temperament 

(When the true King's murderers 

are allowed to roam free 

a 1000 Magicians arise in the land) 

Where are the feasts 

we are promised 

Where is the wine 
The New Wine 
(dying on the vine) 
resident mockery 
give us an hour for magic 
We of the purple glove 
We of the starling flight 
& velvet hour 
We of arabic pleasures's breed 
We of sundome & the night 

Give us a creed 

To believe 

A night of lust 

Give us trust in 

The Night 

Give of color 

hundred hues 

a rich mandala 

for me & for you 

& for your silky 

pillowed house 

a head, wisdom 

& a bed 

Troubled decree 

Resident mockery 

has claimed thee 

We used to believe 

in the good old days 

We still receive 

In little ways 

The things of Kindness 

& unsporting brow 

Forget & allow 

Did you know freedom exists 
in school books 

Did you know madmen are 
running our prisons 

w/in a jail, w/in a gaol 
w/in a white free protestant 

We're perched headlong 
on the edge of boredom 

We're reaching for death 
on the end of a candle 

We're trying for something 
that's already found us 

Wow, I'm sick of doubt 
Live in the light of certain 

Cruel bindings 

The sevants have the power 

dog-men & their mean women 
pulling poor blankets over 
our sailors 

I'm sick of dour faces 
Starong at me from the T.V. 

Tower, I want roses in 
my garden bower; dig? 

Royal babies, rubies 
must now replace aborted 

Strangers in the mud 

These mutants, blood-meal 
for the plant that's plowed 
they are waiting to take us into 
the severed garden 

Do you know how pale & wanton thrillful 
comes death on a stranger hour 
unannounced, unplanned for 

like a scaring over-friendly guest you've 
brought to bed 

Death makes angels of us all 
& gives us wings 
where we had shoulders 
smooth as raven's 

No more money, no more fancy dress 
This other kingdom seems by far the best 
until its other jaw reveals incest 
& loose obedience to a vegetable law 

I will not go 
Prefer a feast of friends 

To the Giant family


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